How to install SCSS and taking usage of it.
You can download ruby from
If you’re on a different environment than Windows, you can check out for more information on installing to Linux
When you’ve downloaded and installed Ruby, you can then start to install SASS to use on your CMD/Terminal
The command to install it is the following: (sudo) gem install sass
To compile your SCSS code into CSS, you must use a command line to make the client see the folders of your target.
The command to do such is sass --watch assets/scss:assets/css
Here’s an example:
If you’re going to post these files on GitHub, I would recommend having a gitignore on the cache files
File: .gitignore
If you want to be linter friendly, you could always install a Ruby package that you can use for such.
To install, use this command: (sudo) gem install scss_lint
After that, you should just use the command scss-lint in CMD/Terminal and everything will be done easily for you.