
Install SCSS

How to install SCSS and taking usage of it.

📅 28 February 2019 ⏱ 📝 AlexFlipnote

1. Install Ruby

You can download ruby from https://rubyinstaller.org/

If you’re on a different environment than Windows, you can check out https://www.ruby-lang.org/ for more information on installing to Linux

2. Install SASS

When you’ve downloaded and installed Ruby, you can then start to install SASS to use on your CMD/Terminal The command to install it is the following: (sudo) gem install sass

3. Watch the files in SASS with CSS

To compile your SCSS code into CSS, you must use a command line to make the client see the folders of your target.

The command to do such is sass --watch assets/scss:assets/css

Here’s an example:


3.5 Generated files

If you’re going to post these files on GitHub, I would recommend having a gitignore on the cache files

File: .gitignore


(Optional) 4. Become linter friendly

If you want to be linter friendly, you could always install a Ruby package that you can use for such.

To install, use this command: (sudo) gem install scss_lint

After that, you should just use the command scss-lint in CMD/Terminal and everything will be done easily for you.